Wednesday 26 October 2016

Arts & Crafts: Halloween addition

Oh I'm so excited to show you our super easy Halloween themed crafts activity we did the other day- toilet roll's tube monsters! 

You would need:
-cardboard tubes left from toilet rolls
- acrylic on any other type of paints available
- small sheet of plain white paper
- glue stick
- scissors
-black marker or a pen

I have seen this ideas online (as always) but painted on cans, as I don't have a paint that will withstand the metal/aluminium plus I didn't want L to hurt herself on open tops so opted for a simpler option.
I have painted 3 tubes with finger paint and 1 tube with acrylic black paint, which dried relatively quick. Drew facial features and cut them out for Frankenstein, Pumpkin, Ghost and left Black tube aka cat to be finished with L.
Once L was ready to have some fun, I have asked her to apply glue on little cut outs, then I have applied little facial features on our monster and that was it!
With the cat thought it was a little bit more complicated. We have tried crayons, pencils, fingers paints and lastly acrylic paints to draw eyes, nose and whiskers. L was too excited about drawing whiskers so I had to save the day and fix our little kitty. 
I am very happy with the result, especially Frankenstein. Which one is your favourite?

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